Lent 2014

lenten-cross-2014As our journey through Lent begins, the shadow of the cross falls upon our path. As we begin this forty-day journey (forty-six if you include Sundays) we try to envision what may be in store for us and what God is preparing us for. Remembering Jesus' forty days in the wilderness, the trials, temptations, and vulnerability one encounters in seeking to reflect, to shed, to open oneself, to prepare. Lent is a time for getting back to the basics. It is a time for examining and reevaluating our priorities. 

During this season of Lent, use this time to really hear what God is saying to you. what are those things (ie. a relationship, a habit, etc.) that is hindering your relationship with God? 

Write what you have identified on the index cards located on the table next to the cross and pin it to the cross as a sign of our willingness to crucify those things and release it to God.