We are living in the Third Day - a season in which the time is short and Jesus' return is near. God has a mighty work for the church to do in this hour. The time is over for church as usual. God is calling St. Sabina to be a Third Day Church.
Characteristics of a Third Day Church
- A church of salvation that accepts our call from God and echoes that call to others.
- A church of transformation that is constantly changing into the image of Jesus.
- A church of hope where the light of God's truth is always shining.
- A church of compassion that walks in the agape love of God.
- A church of excellence that demands and expects God's best
- A church of education where the fresh manna of God's word is always available.
- A church of hospitality that welcomes and receives all
- A church of discernment that is sensitive to the Spirit of God
- A church of revelation that sees and speaks the vision of tomorrow
- A church of revolution that counters the world system with the power of God
- A church of commitment filled with people who have made a decision to not only know the word of God, but live it.
"He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 (NRSV)