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St. Sabina Church Bulletin (2025)

- Sunday, March 09, 2025 St. Sabina Church Bulletin
View the PDF 2025.03.09-St.Sabina-Weekly.Bulletin.pdf
- 1210 W 78th Place
Chicago, IL 60620 - 773 . 483 . 4300
About The Faith Community of Saint Sabina

The Faith Community of Saint Sabina is a community of disciples where the DNA of who we are is rooted in the Word. We are committed to praise, worship and to be not only hearers of the Word but live as doers of the Word. We see our worship time as the huddle, where believers gather to get instructions, feed on God’s word, draw closer to God, and grow spiritually so when we leave the church doors we make the Word flesh and evil nervous.
We seek to be a prophetic voice of truth and justice. We’re committed to the power of love and non-violence, to being a lobbyist for the poor, alienated, and disenfranchised, recognizing that what makes us authentic is our actions when we leave the church building.
We see the community as our membership and the registered members as the enlisted soldiers who seek to be leaders in the world to build the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
The Vision of the Faith Community of Saint Sabina
We are living in the Third Day - a season in which the time is short and Jesus' return is near. God has a mighty work for the church to do in this hour. The time is over for church as usual. God is calling St. Sabina to be a Third Day Church.
Characteristics of a Third Day Church
- A church of salvation that accepts our call from God and echoes that call to others.
- A church of transformation that is constantly changing into the image of Jesus.
- A church of hope where the light of God's truth is always shining.
- A church of compassion that walks in the agape love of God.
- A church of excellence that demands and expects God's best
- A church of education where the fresh manna of God's word is always available.
- A church of hospitality that welcomes and receives all
- A church of discernment that is sensitive to the Spirit of God
- A church of revelation that sees and speaks the vision of tomorrow
- A church of revolution that counters the world system with the power of God
- A church of commitment filled with people who have made a decision to not only know the word of God, but live it.
"He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 (NRSV)