Thea Bowman Center of Saint Sabina

The Thea Bowman Center is a retreat house named after an awesome spiritual warrior, Sister Thea Bowman. Born December 29, 1937, in Yazoo City, Miss., Thea was reared as a Methodist until at age nine when she asked her parents if she could become a catholic. Gifted with a brilliant mind, beautiful voice and a dynamic personality, Sr. Thea shared the message of God's love through a teaching career. After 16 years of teaching, at the elementary, secondary and university level, the bishop of Jackson Miss., invited her to become the consultant for intercultural awareness.

In her role as consultant Sr. Thea, an African-American, gave presentations across the country; lively gatherings that combined singing, gospel preaching, prayer and storytelling. Her programs were directed to break down racial and cultural barriers. She encouraged people to communicate with one another so that they could understand other cultures and races.

It is in this spirit of Sister Thea Bowman that the Bowman Center exists. Its purpose is to allow for people of any nationality, creed, or color to have a peaceful place for spiritual reflection and growth. The building accommodates 37 overnight guests who have full use of the facility. There is an onsite kitchen and many meeting rooms that can be utilized during the stay. There is also a library full of material that can help anyone on their Christian journey.

More information about reserving the Thea Bowman Spiritual Advance Center can be obtained by calling (773) 483-4300.

The Vision of the Faith Community of Saint Sabina


We are living in the Third Day - a season in which the time is short and Jesus' return is near. God has a mighty work for the church to do in this hour. The time is over for church as usual. God is calling St. Sabina to be a Third Day Church.

Characteristics of a Third Day Church

  • A church of salvation that accepts our call from God and echoes that call to others.
  • A church of transformation that is constantly changing into the image of Jesus.
  • A church of hope where the light of God's truth is always shining.
  • A church of compassion that walks in the agape love of God.
  • A church of excellence that demands and expects God's best
  • A church of education where the fresh manna of God's word is always available.
  • A church of hospitality that welcomes and receives all
  • A church of discernment that is sensitive to the Spirit of God
  • A church of revelation that sees and speaks the vision of tomorrow
  • A church of revolution that counters the world system with the power of God
  •  A church of commitment filled with people who have made a decision to not only know the word of God, but live it.

"He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?    Micah 6:8 (NRSV)

Saint Sabina Martyr of Rome

Saint Sabina Martyr was a noble pagan, wife of Senator Valentino, was converted to Christianity by her maid Serapia. She was accused of being a Christian by Elpidio the Perfect (at the time), after having placed, in the family Sepulcher the holy body of Serapia, (who is also a martyr). Killed because she declared herself inscribed in the new religion, she courageously professed her faith in Christ.

Saint Sabina suffered martyrdom on the 29th of August in the year 125 under Emperor Hadrian. Her relics, together with those of the Saints Serapia, Alexander, Evenzio and Teodulo are venerated under the High Altar of the Roman Basilica which bears her name.

Web resources with information about Saint Sabina Martyr of Rome

The Catholic Encyclopedia    Wikipedia

Shekhinah Clinic in Tamale, Ghana, West Africa


Shekhinah Clinic in Tamale, Ghana, West Africa

The word "Shekhinah" in Hebrew means the presence of God. It is the very presence of God, His love, compassion and healing - that the Faith Community of Saint Sabina is committed to spreading throughout the Auburn-Gresham community, the city of Chicago, the nation and the world. St. Sabina's participation in the Shekhinah Clinic in Tamale, Ghana, West Africa is an important first-step in achieving this goal.

Starting with an initial $15,000 donation on February 11, 2001, Saint Sabina contributed more than $22,000 to aid in the construction of a center, "The St. Sabina AIDS Clinic," which offers HIV testing. The center also provides laboratory services to help combat the spread of other infectious diseases such as tuberculosis.

St. Sabina has made a commitment to provide the clinic with annual financial support.

Mural at St. Sabina by Fr. Fernando Arizti, SJ

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John 3:16

For God so loved the world that He gave His only son...

The two large hands represent the hands of God the Father who offers us the gift of His son. The Father's hands are cupped because a giver offers a gift, but the gift must be received or it remains in the giver's hands. Jesus' left hand is completely open, symbolizing His total self giving of His life for our salvation. His right hand is calling us to come follow Him.

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